Yesterday I got really heated at another chaser, even posted some things that weren't very nice. Honestly I hate doing that, I really do. I normally like to mind my own business and go about my way. This other chaser has been going out of his way, on a regular bases, making smart ass remarks towards me and Lanny. Most was geared toward Lanny, but some of it was at me too.
I stayed out of it for the longest time, but finally I had enough. Striking back verbally. Again, it's really not something I like to do. I'm not totally sure why said chaser is having such an issue of letting things go. We have not gone out of our way to bother the guy. Maybe something is wrong at home, or maybe he is ill. Who knows, I just hope he can get some control and this bull shit can stop.
Of course there is a bigger story behind this. One that I will not go into, maybe another time. Although there is a bigger story, it shouldn't be causing the harassment to continue. Again, I hope some control can be gained by the other party, so the childish bs can stop. I guess time will tell.